Play Dates and Times
- Typical play dates for Senior Boys & Junior Girls games are Tuesday and Thursday.
- Typical play dates for Senior Girls & Junior Boys games are Monday and Wednesday.
- Typical dates will be followed where the schedule permit, however all days may be utilized to fit in games.
- The only conflict dates accepted are Commencements and Graduation.
- Any regular season games that are cancelled due to weather will not be rescheduled. They will be considered a 0-0 Draw, unless 40 minutes has been played. If the game had started, and 40 minutes of play DID NOT elapse, the score will be considered a 0-0 draw regardless of score when it was called off. If 40 minutes of play HAD elapsed, then the score will stand as it was when the game was called.
Metro Weather Related Delays for Soccer:
- CSA Thunder rules are in effect. If you hear Thunder, immediately suspend play and wait 30 minutes. If Thunder occurs again, the 30 minute clock restarts. Wait until the game can resume, or the time remaining does not allow completion of the game (see below). If lightning is visible, but Thunder is not audible, it is at the discretion of all parties to assess and continue.
A reminder that 40 minutes of play constitutes a completed game.
Time Remaining does not allow the completion of the game:
Teams have until 6:00 pm to finish games
Teams/Refs shall wait until they can resume play, up until a time where they cannot get in the 40 minutes minimum required, or 6:00 pm hits. Whichever occurs first.
- Teams/Referees should not be leaving the game if potential to continue still exists with the time remaining before 6:00 pm
- In the instance of severe smoke, Metro sports do not occur when the index is at 7 or higher
Sanctioning & Yellow-Card Tracking
Please note that cards will be issued in accordance to the Federation Internationale de Football Association (FIFA) by the officials during the game.
The following modifcation will take place as Metro will be tracking Yellow & Red Cards thorughout the season to identify repeat offenders. Submitting your game sheets is
MANDATORY to allow for this process.
- First 3 Yellow Cards - 1 game suspension
- 2 additional - 1 game suspension
- 1 additional - 2 game suspension
- 1 additional - 4 game suspension & hearing
Note that an automatic suspension within a game due to a red card or two yellow cards advance a player to the next step in this system.